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Top Tips for All Year Swimming With Children

by | 28/02/2024 | News

Embarking on the adventure of taking your children swimming all year round can be both exciting and rewarding. Not only is swimming a fantastic way for kids to stay active and develop essential life skills, but it can also be a year-round family activity. We'll explore some valuable advice to make the most of your aquatic adventures with the little ones, regardless of the season.

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Swimming: The Ultimate Solution for Exercising Through Injuries

by | 23/02/2024 | News

At SwimExpert, we understand that navigating exercise with injuries, whether chronic or recent, can be a challenging journey. However, we firmly believe that swimming is not just a recreational activity but also a therapeutic solution that helps recovery. We'll explore why swimming is the ideal exercise for those looking to overcome injuries and maintain an active lifestyle.

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10 Essential Swim Tips For Treading Water

by | 19/02/2024 | News

Treading water is a valuable skill that not only ensures your safety in deep waters but also serves as an excellent workout. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your technique, these ten essential tips for treading water will help you stay afloat effortless. So, let's explore the key elements that make treading water a skill worth mastering.

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Be Kind To Yourself In January

by | 18/01/2024 | News

January is often a time when people set new goals and resolutions for the year ahead. It's important to approach these goals with kindness and a realistic mindset. Here are some tips for being kind to yourself as you set and work towards your January goals:

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What to Eat Before Swimming: Fueling Your Body for a Successful Dip

by | 02/11/2023 | News

Whether you're a competitive swimmer or just looking to have some fun in the pool, what you eat before swimming can significantly impact your performance and overall experience in the water. We'll explore the importance of pre-swim nutrition and provide you with some delicious and nutritious options to consider.

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What happens to your body when you swim for 30 minutes a day

by | 11/10/2023 | News

Swimming is a great form of exercise that can provide numerous benefits for the body and mind. It is a low-impact activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and fitness levels. So, what happens to your body when you swim for 30 minutes a day?

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Unlock Your Swimming Potential with Land Conditioning: The Smart Way to Swim Faster

by | 04/10/2023 | News

Are you experiencing the all-too-familiar struggle of trying to boost your speed in the water? If you're nodding along, it might be time to reignite your passion for swimming and rediscover the thrill of racing. Becoming a great swimmer doesn't solely depend on endless laps in the pool. In fact, by adopting a strategic approach to your dryland training, you could be on the fast track to swimming success like never before!

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The Surprising Benefits Of Swimming With Young Children

by | 27/09/2023 | News

Swimming with young children isn't just about splashing around and having fun; it offers a treasure trove of surprising benefits that can significantly impact their physical, cognitive, and emotional development. In this blog, we're diving into the pool of knowledge to uncover the hidden advantages of swimming for your little ones.

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Why Learn to Swim as an Adult?: Unlocking a Sea of Possibilities

by | 30/08/2023 | News

Learning to swim is often associated with childhood, but who says aquatic adventures are limited to the young? As adults, we tend to gravitate toward activities that comfort us within our well-established routines. However, diving into swimming can be an enriching and transformative experience, replete with physical and mental benefits extending far beyond the water's edge. We'll explore the compelling reasons why learning to swim as an adult is not only possible but also highly rewarding.

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